Asthma Treatment

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5 Star Accommodation

Opportunity to stay in a 5-star hotel in the most beautiful part of Istanbul.

Transfer Services

During this process, our transfer vehicles will be with you on your way to the hotel, clinic and hospital.


You will feel at home in our hospital that complies with international standards.

Expert Allergy Doctors

Get service from doctors who are experts in their fields.

Why Should You Choose Us?

Founded in 2022, CURExplore is a service provider that brings together guests from abroad through medical staff and translators who can speak their own language.

CURExplore, which organizes international patients from all over the world, mostly from Europe to Turkey, is an Istanbul-based health tourism intermediary company that is a member of TURSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) with the code 14076 and has the Ministry of Health Accreditation.

30-minute free consultation.

After free online consultation, we determine your needs and plan your operation free of charge.

No Surprise Costs

We will not charge you any additional fees.

All Inclusive Packages

5-Star Accommodation, Transfer, Post-Operative Care at the Hotel, Translator, All Processes with You

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    Küçükbakkalköy neighborhood. Merdivenköy Yolu neighborhood. No:12/1 Ataşehir / İstanbul

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      Frequently Asked Questions in Asthma Treatment

      Asthma is a chronic condition in which your airways become inflamed and narrowed. This narrowing and inflammation causes your airways to become hypersensitive and overreact to certain triggers. These triggers can include allergens, cold air, physical activity or even certain chemicals.

      If you have a family history of asthma or allergies, this can increase your risk of developing asthma. Things like air pollution, pollen, house dust or even cigarette smoke can trigger asthma. Meanwhile, certain respiratory infections as a child can also increase the risk of asthma in the future.

      Allergies also play an important role in asthma. If you are prone to allergies, you are more likely to develop asthma.  Some workplace exposures trigger asthma. Workplace exposure to chemicals and other harmful substances can trigger or worsen asthma. Smoking or secondhand smoke can increase the risk of asthma. Obesity is also seen as a factor that increases the risk of asthma. From this perspective, quitting smoking or losing weight is important not only for general health but also for reducing the risk of asthma.


      When all these factors come together, the airways become inflamed and narrowed, making breathing difficult. So for someone with asthma, it is vital to recognize and avoid triggers. Everyone's triggers are different; for some it may be pollen, for others it may be cold air, for others it may be a small piece of dust in the house. This is why awareness of the causes and triggers of asthma is so important. If you have any symptoms or suspicions, you should consult a health professional.

      Asthma symptoms can vary from person to person, but there are some common symptoms that most people with asthma experience.  Coughing is one of the most prominent features of asthma. It can be especially noticeable at night or early in the morning. Sometimes this cough is persistent and does not go away. Sometimes laughter or deep breathing can also trigger it.


      Shortness of breath is the most common and perhaps the most frightening symptom. You may have difficulty breathing, especially during physical activity or when your asthma is getting worse. This makes breathing difficult and can be quite uncomfortable.


      Wheezing is another symptom of asthma. It can be heard especially when exhaling. This sound is caused by the narrowing of the airways.


      Difficulty breathing is usually more noticeable during physical activity. Even everyday activities such as climbing stairs can become challenging.


      Asthma symptoms can change over time and in some cases worsen. This is known as "asthma attacks" or "asthma crises" and may require urgent medical attention. Exposure to triggers such as allergies, cold air and cigarette smoke can also trigger or worsen symptoms.

      There are several things you can do to manage asthma and relieve symptoms. The basis of asthma treatment is regular use of medicines prescribed by your doctor. These medicines can usually be inhalers, which relax the airways and reduce inflammation.


      It is important to avoid triggers such as pollen, dust, pet dander and cigarette smoke as much as possible. You can relieve asthma by exercising regularly. Exercise can strengthen lung function. Of course, it should be done within the limits recommended by your doctor and in a way that does not trigger asthma. Swimming can be a particularly good option because it both strengthens and relaxes the airways.


      A regular and balanced diet can improve overall health and relieve asthma symptoms. Antioxidant-rich foods and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are recommended. Stress can trigger asthma symptoms. Meditation, yoga or even just regular breathing exercises can help reduce stress.


      Cigarette smoke can trigger asthma, so it is important to avoid smoking or smoking environments. Every asthma patient is different and everyone's asthma can be triggered by different things. The important thing is to know your own body and follow the doctor's recommendations. Asthma is manageable and the right steps can significantly improve quality of life.

      Asthma is usually diagnosed through observation of symptoms and various tests. This process is important for identifying a specific type of asthma and determining the appropriate treatment. The doctor starts by examining when the symptoms started, how often and under what circumstances they occur. They will also ask if there is a family history of asthma or allergic diseases.


      Physical examinations such as chest, neck and nose examinations are performed. This helps to distinguish asthma from other respiratory diseases. Pulmonary function tests (spirometry) are performed. This test measures your breathing capacity. Spirometry shows how well the airways are working and how much air you can breathe in and out. It is one of the most commonly used tests to diagnose asthma.


      In some cases, tests are done by exposing you to factors that can trigger asthma, such as exercise or cold air. These tests help to determine whether asthma is related to exercise. People with allergic asthma may have skin tests or blood tests to determine reactions to allergens. In some cases, additional tests such as chest X-rays or blood tests may be needed.


      During the asthma diagnosis process, your doctor will assess your symptoms, medical history and test results to make a diagnosis. This process can sometimes take some time because asthma symptoms can be similar to those of other respiratory diseases. Also, asthma symptoms can change over time, so regular check-ups with your doctor are important.

      Asthma treatment focuses on controlling the disease and relieving symptoms. Unfortunately, asthma is not completely curable, but with the right treatment and management, many people can lead normal, active lives. Here are some common approaches and medications used to treat asthma:


      Control medicines: These medicines are used for long-term control of asthma. They can be in the form of inhalers and are taken in specific doses every day. These medicines help to reduce inflammation in the airways and prevent asthma symptoms. Examples include corticosteroid inhalers and long-acting bronchodilators.


      Quick Relief Medicines: They provide quick relief when asthma symptoms occur. They are commonly known as short-acting bronchodilators and come in inhaler form. These medicines quickly dilate the airways, making breathing easier. This type of medicine is usually used in emergency situations.


      Leukotriene Modifiers: These oral medicines help reduce some of the symptoms of asthma and can be particularly useful for people with allergy-related asthma.


      Bio-medicines: Used for people with severe asthma who have not responded to other treatments. These medicines target specific inflammatory pathways that underlie asthma.


      Allergy Treatments: For people with allergic asthma, allergy treatments (such as allergy shots) can be effective in reducing asthma symptoms.


      Another important aspect of asthma treatment is recognizing and avoiding triggers. Avoiding triggers such as pollen, dust, pet dander, cigarette smoke and cold air is vital for asthma control. The treatment plan should be tailored to individual needs and requires regular medical check-ups. Because every asthma patient's condition is different, the treatment approach can vary from person to person.

      Asthma risk factors include various factors that can increase the likelihood of developing this chronic respiratory disease. Here are some common risk factors that can contribute to the development of asthma;


      Genetic Predisposition: If asthma or allergic conditions run in your family, you may be at increased risk of developing asthma. Genetics can play an important role in the development of asthma.


      Allergies: People with allergic conditions such as allergic rhinitis and eczema have a higher risk of developing asthma. Sensitivity to various allergens such as pollen, house dust mites, mold spores and animal dander can also increase the risk.


      Environmental Factors: Exposure to air pollution, cigarette smoke and chemical irritants can increase the risk of asthma. Such exposures, especially at an early age, are thought to influence the development of asthma.


      Occupational Exposures: Workplace irritants such as chemicals, dust and gases can increase the risk of asthma, especially in certain occupational groups.


      Respiratory Infections at an Early Age: Having serious respiratory infections in infancy or childhood can increase the risk of developing asthma.


      Smoking and Passive Smoking: Smoking and exposure to cigarette smoke are important factors that increase the risk of asthma. Exposure to cigarette smoke during pregnancy can increase the risk of asthma in the child.


      Obesity: Obesity can increase the risk of asthma. Excess body weight can affect respiratory function and pressure on the airways.


      Gender and Age: In childhood, asthma is more common in boys, while in adulthood it is more common in women. Age is also a factor affecting asthma risk.


      Each of these risk factors can contribute to the development of asthma, but this does not always happen. Some people have one or more risk factors but do not develop asthma, while others may develop asthma with no known risk factors. The important thing is to be aware of these risk factors and make lifestyle changes to reduce the risk as much as possible.

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